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Soundwave said:

They probably could have shown the NX last year, but then what? Wii U sales are so shitty they would've cratered and 3DS handheld shipments are Nintendo's lowest in like 15+ years ... so they can't afford for those to go any lower either.

There was literally zero benefit for Nintendo showing the NX last year, the only thing it would have accoplished is hurting what's left of the Wii U/3DS' likely last full holiday season. 

Nintendo announced the N64 just two years into the SNES life cycle too ... lol ... things change, you can't keep operating the same way forever.

With the N64 Nintendo was so late in the market. When competitors were releasing their consoles, Nintendo had to have something to show to spark the market's interest.

Thunderbird77 said:
RolStoppable said:
Bofferbrauer said:

I don't think Nintendo will release the NX already this year. Nintendo always showed their next console (well, mostly a mockup thereof, but still) around 1 year and a half in advance, be it Wii U, Wii or Gamecube. This hasn't happened yet. Also, Nintendo just said they won't rush the system out, so I really wonder why sobmany are still hellbent on a 2016 release.

@bolded: Oh, so you know what else is coming this year which hasn't been announced yet?

The 3DS was first shown at E3 2010 and launched in February 2011. Given that there is no advantage in having a 1.5 year long gap between reveal and launch, there's no good reason why Nintendo shouldn't change the timing this time around. The gap between reveal and launch certainly didn't help the Wii U because Sony and Microsoft had plenty of time to downplay everything. As for the games, the release schedule of the past and the upcoming months for both the Wii U and 3DS should serve as a good hint that at this point all Nintendo is doing is bridging the gap until their new hardware launches.

There are doubts about the exact meaning of Kimishima's recent statements because the translation was questionable. But more importantly, the available pieces of information point towards a 2016 launch:

1. NX will have a (for the most part) shared library and different form factors for the hardware.
2. The 3DS is already five years old and in need of a successor.
3. The Wii U is far from a healthy platform and should be replaced rather sooner than later.
4. The current release schedules for both systems are largely devoid of EAD games and those are the first teams that make software for new hardware.

If NX launches in 2017, then only because Nintendo couldn't get it ready as planned.

Your 1. is 90% assumption without any facts.

Not quite, that's excactly what Iwata said about NX.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.