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Can't imagine it'll be much cheaper though, which makes the installed base argument near worthless. Out of those 13 million who have a PC capable of proper VR (I happily count myself among them), the percentage of people willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for VR is probably vastly bigger than that of those 36 million PS4 owners.
The average gamer doesn't really spend that much money on gaming and tech; people who have powerful PC's are a lot more likely to.

In short; it's a very simplified argument. As for myself; VR isn't really interesting yet at this point and appears nothing more than a gimmick for now, and I would not pay several hundred dollars for it (the total cost with VATS, taxes and transport fees will go into the 800-850$ ranger here in the Nordic region, which is way beyond ridiculous for a peripheral with almost zero function and impact yet).