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Jumpin said:
The next handheld won't be able to run Wii U games on its own. But it will be able to be used as a controller for Wii U games.


I think Wii U (and the entire Wii brand) will be quickly buried by Nintendo. Retailers are not going to want to stock it any longer than they need to either, it'll be phased out quick and Nintendo will not want to taint the NX brand (whatever they decide to call it) by associating it with the failed Wii U. So probably very quickly it will be gone from sight. 

It would also be a marketing nightmare for Nintendo as it would start the whole "well what is this thing? Oh it's a controller for that Wii U thing ... wait what, this is supposed to be a new system? I'm confused" type thing. Maybe a company like Apple could navigate that, but it's well beyond Nintendo's limited marketing abilities. NX has to be a clean slate for that reason I think. 

Just like you almost never heard a peep about the GameCube once the Wii was fully unveiled.