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NX is Nintendo's successor to both the console and portable and they will launch this year and become an evolving platform that upgrades over time and is account based. November 2016. 

Playstation 5 will be a traditional game platform with a cloud style service attached to it, that will launch in 2018 or 2019.

The next XBox will not be a traditional console platform at all. It will merge Windows PC into a console box and will literally run the real Windows and every PC game on your TV. MS will target STEAM as their no.1 rival and attempt to usurp Steam and Steamboxes with the Windows Games service. As such there will be dozens of next-gen XBox models and no traditional beginning or end to their hardware cycle. MS will gradually start to support the XBOne over the next few years and transition more into this new PC box structure. But I guess I would say the official "launch" of this will be November 2017.