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I say yes to ur prediction but I believe it is a bit low.
MGS4 is a MGS game that is a quite hardcore game.
But, this generation, PS3 is in big competition with the Xbox360 and I believe Sony will do HUGE advertising campaign to help the game (I bet it was promised to Konami to keep the exclusivty). I also believe the game should get quite good review (preview sounded very good). So at the end, taking in count the bundle and the fact the game is exclusive (all sales on PS3):

Here goes:

MGS4 - SW:

NA --- 500K

EU --- 700K

JAP --- 300K

TOTAL --- 1. 5 Million



NA --- 140K (GTA IV boost was 150K........Normal HW was 60 - 80K)

EU --- 170K (GTA IV boost was 198K..........Normal HW was 70 - 100K)

JAP --- 40K (Dynasty Warrior 6 boost was 50K BUT with a price drop.....Normal HW was 7 - 11K)

TOTAL --- 350K

(I know, my prediction is maybe a bit high ^^)

Time to Work !