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2015 was a weird year for me. A year of steps forward to what I want to achieve, and at the same time frustrating stagnation that I can't seem to shake. So with all that, I look upon 2016 with a hope of personal growth, new relationships, and taking more steps to be a more complete me.

VGChartz and all you crazy (and wonderful, and even sexy!) schmucks have been a great comfort to me this past year, and I appreciated this time to just talk about awesome games with you (even if I had to pester some of you, I regret nothing!). It was a great joy to me personally to see this thread grow with all of us recounting the games that have made us into the gamers we are today. Outside of this thread there's countless bickering, showboating, trolling, flaming, you name it. But this thread, well it reminded me of why we all come together in the first place: because we're all gamers and have played some pretty incredible games!

So thank you guys for reminding me of the best that gaming has to offer, and how that has affected folks from around the globe. All here on VGChartz, talking about awesome games. Together.

I'll appreciate that more than you know.

Your pal,

Patrick "Smeags" McNamara

(And now onto being overwhelmed by giant list projects. Huzzah!)