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jason1637 said:
jason1637 said:

700k in 3 weeks, yeah that's entirely possible, optimisitc but doable. So that will take the physical total to 3.5M, digital 2M. That's a 36% digital attach rate.

Those are very optimistic figures!


Belive in the power of the cloud!

Seriously how did you come to these figures? First how did you get 7.3M to begin with, second why do you think 36% attach rate? 36% attach rate at launch is "possible" with the digital copy in the bundles and the select few that want to get their hands on it straight away. But with each passing day that rate is going to come down. Store will sell it for cheaper and the advantages of digital begin to fade. What makes you think that 36% is possible by the years end?


I got the 7.3m based on the performance of past installments in the series.

And the 36% because from what I've seen in the launch event and people I know the game was mostly downloaded off the Xbox marketplace. Not only this but the game had a discount on the Xbox store this holiday. 

Didn't you agree with me on another thread that digital attach rate was probably a little over 20%???

Again it's been treated like the only game to do something different. Halo isn't the only game to get digital discounts. What I want to know is what is Halo 5 doing different to get a high digital sales attach rate compared to other games?

Digital discount? You can buy it physically on Amazon right now $40 new.
Pre-load? Not exclusive to Halo. Destiny had it and we know that it has a 20% digital attach rate which is pretty high.
My friends? I hate to burst this bubble but you and your small group of friends do not represent the full picture. Example, all my console owning friends own a PS4 except 1. I live in the UK and the PS4 and XB1 are close but if I go by my experience the sales would be PS4 - 4.5M vs XB1 - 0.5M.


On the NPD thread there was a post saying something that halo 5s digital sales in the US is around 30% so due to Christmas and all i could see a 6% increase assuming this can be said about WW sales.