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Swordmasterman said:

Granturismo 6's launch were very good, it released in 5 December, and in 7 December it already had sold over 900k at Retail, the problem of selling a game in the end cicle of the Console is that it hurts the Leg sales, that GT Showed to have long legs, without any release  of the game in 2014 they said the  franchise had over 70-71 Millions sold, and now have over 76.5 Millions units sold.

like The Last of Us, the  Remaster sold more than 3 Millions isn't it ?, this helped to give legs for the game and for the people Play The Last of Us, Already with a new generation System, that is Playstation 4, i think that the Next GT, if is not a Prologue, will have 8 or + Millions of Life time Sales, already is a good thing if you compare for How Poor Racing games are selling nowdays, with Need for Speed, and Forza 6.

That's what I meant by timing. The PS4 had already launched and like you said, GT games always have good legs. But excuses aside, at this moment in time it has sold less that 5M which isn't great for  a GT game.