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Chris Hu said:
curl-6 said:

Interesting. When people call GT6 a "flop" though, I think that's in the context that it underperformed by series standards. It's not that the game was a failure, it wasn't, just that people typically expect better from a Gran Turismo title.

On the other side of the fence, Forza 6 sold 607k in its first 10 weeks, where Forza 5 sold about a million, so there's certainly cause for concern there.

Both franchises have shown decline with their recent entries.

Forza 5 was a launch game and had zero competion from other racing games.  By the time Forza 6 launched the X1 had Forza 5, Horizion 2 and a ton of other 3rd party racing game not to mention there where also a ton more non racing games available by the time it launched.

Doesn't change the fact that it's showing a decline.