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midrange said:
TheLegendofDS said:
midrange said:

If the main audience was returning Nintendo veterans, then pikmin 3 and dk should have similar sales to splatoon. After all, they've been around for nintendo much longer than Splatoon has. They're also just as if not more critically acclaimed then splatoon.


Pikmin actually sold about what you would expect given the Wii U's install base back in mid-2013 and it's not too far from Pikmin 2 sales according to vgchartz and if I remember correctly the psysical version of the game was discontinued as for DK the game got tons of backlash from the fans when it was announced for not being Metroid, so those 2 are not good examples to use as evidence that the Wii U's install base is mostly kids and not older Nintendo fans

Pikmin 3 sales (along with wonderful 101 sales) were admitted by Nintendo to be lackluster, so it was definitely not good regardless of the Wii u install base.

as for DK, that backlash was negligible when thinking about sales. No one refuses to buy a game because of what the developer COULD have made


1-Nintendo talked about lackluster Pikmin sales back in October 2013 and if vgchartz number are correct,they probably aren't,than without digital sales the game is actually only 230k behind Pikimin 2 that sold on an istallbase of 22 million so we can't say that the sales are lackluster for it and we don't know if Nintendo still think that it has been over 2 years since that statment was made

2-While yes some people won't refuse to buy a game because of not being what they wanted some will and how many times has Nintendo defended the development of a game,and DK also didn't have a good marketing campaing unlike a games like MK8 or Splatoon and we all know that would help the game alot

3-In this thread you mention Rayman and W101, Rayman didn't sale well anywhere because it come out around the time GTA 5 after being delayed on Wii U 2 weeks before launch and the delay wasn't small, so the game was destined to fail by Ubisoft and W101 and along with lauching close to GTA it didn't have any marketing campaing, nobody knew how to explain what the game was

4-Since this thread is about DK vs Yoshi using VGChartz numbers and you're utilizing Yoshi,Skylanders and Splatoon to show that a bigger part of the Wii Us installbase are kids then how did Xenoblade X sell over 500k with 2 weeks in the west and the lack of Japanese digital numbers, it has passed Skylanders and if it has good enough legs it could sell about has well as Yoshi