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I get that US police is more trigger happy than police forces in countrys with tighter gun laws. I know I would be on my fucking guard if I knew basically everyone could whip out a gun on me.

However, a lot of US law enforment also seems to be underqualified and badly trained for the job.
In the US, as far as i'm aware, the training varies by state, but can be as short as only six weeks of police academy, with 19 to 21 weeks being more commom (training is in most cases continued for 6 to 12 months on the job). A highschool degree is required to be able to apply.

To contrast, in my country, the minimum training required is 30 months for the basic training and 36 months for a university degree in police work (usually required for higher police positions). New officers are then trained on the job for up to two years after that. This amounts to 4,5 -5 years of training compared to the ca 1,5 the average US cop gets. A high-school degree as well as passing an entrance exam (comprised of an IQ test, medical evaluation, psycological evaluation and a fitness test) is required to start training.

I feel like, a cop with sufficient training should be able to disarm a guy with a baseball bat without making use of his firearm. (I'm not talking about "shooting a leg" btw. I know cops are trained to go for the mass of the body)