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Jinova said:

You are right, he did struggle to get the saber. But did Obi Wan tell him he could move objects with his mind? How did he know to do that?



Obi-Wan may have told him at some point during their travels, or Luke may have figured it out himself given Obi-Wan's description of the Force: "It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."

Still, what difference does it make? Even if she was aware of this technique, the fact that she mastered it so quickly and drew the lightsaber past Ren, a character showing complete mastery of the technique in the beginning of the movie as he stops and holds a blaster shot in place, is ridiculous.


I would say that either the will of the force is having a stronger impact on events than ever before, or what we are seeing is the result of people having little knowledge or respect for how the force actually works.