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It's pretty obvious why Luke didn't have "an awakening" His saber came from Vader, who was in full "dark side" mode. Plus he didn't know he had any children. Rey, (if she is Luke's daughter) had one because Luke is aware of her presence and was trying to contact her using the force.

I feel that Rey was one of the younglings Luke was training when Ben went nuts. She was hidden to protect her from him, much like Luke and Leia were hidden. Luke probably had a wife and Ben killed her. It also seems like when one embraces the dark side they seem to lose all connections with loved ones and family, friends etc.
I really think Rey had previous training but I could be wrong.

All we know about Alderaan is that it was said it was her home planet (which we found out later it wasn't) and it was peaceful. I was 12 when I first saw it explode. I had no connection to it at all.

Jedi mind trick? Watto knew what it was, Jabba new what it was. Probably a legendary, myth type thing that people heard about, but never saw. If Rey had training from Luke, he could have mentioned it or something, not really a stretch. We don't know her background, but hopefully it will be explained.

Also A New Hope was full of fucking plot holes, stop acting like it wasn't
I have seen it over 120 times in my life time. I stopped counting around that mark and that was probably 20 years ago. My little brother and I wore out 2 VHS tapes completely. I am not an expert, but I don't need everything spoon fed to me to enjoy a film, any film.

  Tifa got MOVES!