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zorg1000 said:
potato_hamster said:
zorg1000 said:
potato_hamster said:

For example I am interested in a Wii U. But not at $300, or even $200. I will buy a Wii U when I can get one for less than $150. Now you can pretend I am not actually interested in a Wii U, but I assure you I am. I have a list of games I intend to get with it when it drops to that price, and they include: Lego Undercover, Bayonetta 2, Splatoon, Smash Brothers, Mario Kart 8 and Xenoblade Chronicles. If Nintendo starts pulling it off shelves before it gets to that price, I'll probably wait until I can buy one used for less than $100. I bought a Pebble time steel today with part of my christmas bonus just today. I considered getting a wiit, but it just wasn't worth the asking price to me. It's not about being able to find a way to buy it, it's about it being worth what they're asking for it.


This seems to contradict what u said during our conversation the other day, that Wii U couldn't be appealing no matter what, now ur saying the only reason u haven't bought one is because of price. If price has been an issue for an extremely hard core gamer like yourself than don't u suppose price is also a potential issue for the average consumer?

What? Where did I say the Wii U had no appeal? I had it has no mass appeal. Those are two different things. The Wii U is incredibly appealing Nintendo Fans, who appear to be a smaller and smaller group with every generation. But not to someone like me.  I spend more money on video games than most. There mere fact that I can play the games on it that I mentioned above obviously means the console has appeal for me. It just doen't have enough appeal to me to justify the price. If it can't appeal to someone like me, who buys multiple games a month but doesn't see the worth in a Wii U at $250, what chance does it have to appeal to somone who has a much lower interest in video games, but owns a PS4 and regularly plays it? What appeal does it have to someone who bought their kid a tablet for $100 and spends $5-$10 a month on games? Who is the Wii U supposed to appeal to at its current price point, and how many of those people are on the planet?


It was when I said I expect NX to be a modest leap over Wii U similar to Wii over GC, and u said nobody would buy a modestly more powerful Wii U no matter the price or games which is equivalent of saying Wii U is unappealing no matter the price or games.

But u just said it's appealing to the right price ($150). If an extremely hardcore gamer feels that price is an issue for what it offers than its likely that the general consumer feels the price is too high for what it offers and could potentially be much more appealing at a significantly lower price point.

Nintendo franchises have much more appeal than Wii U leads u to believe, just look at the numbers these franchises are pushing on 3DS compared to Wii U. (Official shipments as of Sept 30, 2015)

Mario Kart 7-12.19m vs Mario Kart 8-5.87m

Super Mario 3D Land-10.21m vs Super Mario 3D World-4.47m

New Super Mario Bros 2-9.47m vs New Super Mario Bros U-4.88m

Super Smash Bros 3DS-7.37m vs Super Smash Bros Wii U-4.03m

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon-4.61m vs New Super Luigi U-2.27m

Ocarina of Time 3D-3.82m vs Wind Waker HD-1.62m

Nintendo franchises are typically selling over 2x as much on 3DS compared to their Wii U counterparts, the amount of people who enjoy Nintendo franchises is much larger than the amount of people who own Wii U.

Nobody wants to buy a modestly more powerful Wii U because if they wanted that they could just buy a Wii U for cheaper. Does does your average gamer really want a Wii U? Definitely not at it's price point. Would it sell say, 3-4 times better if it was $150 instead of $250? I'm not sure. To be honest, I doubt it. I just know I'd buy one then. Do I think the NX will be more successful than the Wii U if it's pretty much a Wii U 2 with a slighter cheapers release price and a few more first part games a year? No, absolutely not.

Regarding 3DS sales vs Wii U sales, you also must consider: 3DS handheld sales are 4-5 times higher than Wii U sales. 3DS games are $10-$30 cheaper than Wii U games on release. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.