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I disagree... as someone who liked every Star Wars movie until now, I would rank The Force Awakens as #3 or #4.

Spoilers below:

Also, what you said about Kylo Ren is not true at all. Keep in mind that he was shot and badly hurt... then he fought Finn, and after that Rey. He started the fight doing much better, even being badly hurt and emotionally crushed, but she managed to even the odds at the end by letting the force guide her. I mean, ok, they pushed it a bit, but they also prepared all the excuses for her to "win". I bet that if she fought him fairly she would be crushed, even with the force "inspiration".

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won