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What are you talking about? This is definitely the year of Melee the whole way through. Sure tensions aren't that bad compared to Brawl/Melee era, but Melee's scene is stronger than it ever was its entire lifespan, and Smash 4 isn't gonna change that. You guys should check out the Smashboards threads really, none of you guys I recognize actually follow both competitive scenes enough.

Does Smash 4 have a MiOM equivalent? Has it ever broke 100k views in twitch? Was there a single Salty Suite match more hype than Melee's Salty Suite matches? Did it ever have a prize pool bigger than 30k? Does Smash 4 has the legacy of Melee with it's legendary moments such as DaShizWiz vs. M2K and the Wombo Combo? The only thing I can say that Smash 4 has over Melee is consistent YouTube content, but that's only a natural advantage of being fresh. Soon, as soon as the next Smash game releases, Smash 4 will lose that advantage.

I've even heard from many friends, casual and competitive, more times have I heard from them that they prefer watching Melee over Smash 4 simply because Melee is a way better spectator sport than Smash 4.