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Heavenly_King said:
Volterra_90 said:

Well, he's not a Sith so here you go. 

He is using the dark side, so he is a sith.


Thats not how it works at all, Kylo is not a sith and he kinda thinks he knows what he is but doesnt realy, and he goes trough these temper tamtruns wich fitted his character perfectly. He is conflicted and the movie does an awesome job of showing that, he is also untrained (also very celar in the movie) but the Force is strong withitm him.

Snoke is manipulating him, using him without properly traing him cause this might mean Kylo would want to take power from Snoke himself, Kylo doesnt know whats his purpose is exactly (call it teenage angst if you want, he is like 20sh years old I supose) and he turned to the dark side cause he felt abandoned by his family, ye they built his character perfectly, this conflict withim him will keep being explored on the other 2 movies, I believe he will turncoat and come to the light by the end of ep 2 and Snoke will be reveled as a Sith but not the master, hell be some other Sith Lords aprentice and those 2 will be eps 3 main antagonists (thats a 100% guess tough).