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d21lewis said:
My questions/issues
They might be answered in the future but for now

-How did Poe survive the crash and reunite with the rebels?
-Why is he acting like he and Fin are long lost best friends when they knew each other for about five minutes during that escape?
-How did the Empire (aka First Order) build a goddam super Starkiller death star in such a small amount of time? Want the Empire crushed? This other organization formed and built this thing in less time than the Empire could in their prime!?!
-Hour did "Tiny Eye Yoda" get Luke's light saber?
-And Luke's saber in Jedi is not the one in Empire. He lost that one (and his hand) fighting Vader and had to build another one. So she is lying when she says "It belonged to Luke and his father"
-So Rey is super powerful in the Force. How does she know what she can do? Jedi mind trick? Who told her that was an option?
-Why is Luke so fat? What was he doing on that mountain? Eating bacon!?!
-Killing your dad is the way to the Darkside. Well Kylo killed Rey's dad. Spoiler: They're gonna be twins like Luke and Leia.
-Why did R2 wake up?
-Why the red arm, 3PO?

I have more but tired, I am. Rest, I must.

- He says he ejected, woke up and found neither ship nor Finn. The rest you fill in however you like, somehow managed to contact the rebels and got someone to pick him up, stole a ship, whatever.

- That was wierd the way they shot that scene, but at the very least Poe is incredibly gratefull after all Finn totaly saved his life when he broke him free.

- They had the plans already, theyre using pre existing Empire tech and tweeking it. It took them like 30 years to build that, and its not clear at all if the Empire was crushed, the leadership died but there were lots of simpathisers, a new leader came up and started somewhat fo a cult and thats the first order. Its not evry well explained (probably on purpose there are 2 more movies) but thats what I picked up

- No idea, more movies still to come. Probably she retrieved it from the wrackage of the Death Star, she is a pirate after all.

- That is Lukes original saber, the one that once belonged to Anakin, I believe he still has the one from jedis with him in his exile, its the blue one not the green one

- She doesnt realy know what she can do, she heard stories and is smart however, she tried it and it failled, until she actualy did it right, wich was an amazing scene as she changes her tone of voice and expression completly (fun fact that stormtrooper being Mind Tricked is Daniel Craig, that was his cameo in the movie hehe)

- Well Mark Hammil is kind of old now...

- I doubt it, Han and Leia wouldve said something, specialy Leia since shes Force sensitive. ham definetly knows who she is tough as he explains it off screen to Mass Kanata. my guess is shes Lukes daughter.

- I believe that was Lukes doing, the man is probably powerfull as fck after 30 years of seclusion comuning with the Force, he felt all the shenaningas going on the galaxy with all the disturbance in the Force that caused.

- That shit was random, Im not sure if have a purpose at all, more like 3PO lost an arm and got a red one for replacement since he doesnt have all the "good things"he had when he was the protocoll droid of a princess.