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It's the one thing that really irks me about the Force Awakens, it uses the Original Trilogy as a crutch and is playing it TOO safe.

Poe on mission to retrieve a map of Skywalker's location/Leia on a mission with death star plans.
Poe gives a droid the map/Leia gives a droid the plans.
Poe gets captured and interrogated by Kylo/Leia gets captured and interrogated by Vader.
Poe escapes with help from an ex Stormtrooper/Leia gets rescued by rebels disguised as stormtroopers.
During the escape Poe and Finn shoot down ties/During the escape Luke and Han shoot down ties.
BB8 is rescued by Rey and she joins his mission/R2-D2 is rescued by Luke and he joins his mission.
Finn looking out over the junkyard town/Obi Wan and Luke looking out over Mos Eisley...

The list goes on and on... I'm hoping Disney has got it out of their system now and Episode 8 will actually be original.

NNID: TanukiTrooper - PSN: MatrosRx - STEAM: TanukiTrooper