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I pretty much agree with everything the op said ... maybe taking it too far to say it was worse than the prequels, but yeah it was pretty disgusting.

Credit where credit is due, I did enjoy Harrision Ford's performance (he basically carries the 2nd act), and I liked the idea of Finn's character as a traitor stormtrooper it was one of the few original ideas in the film (ok so it wasn't 100% original as it happened in the expanded universe with other characters but still). Also, Finn was at least presented as a likable character with flaws and talents that make sense considering his upbringing ... unlike godmode Rey that is a master in piloting, engineering, lightsaber duels, the use of the force and being a world class athlete that can climb / scale anything all without any training and while spending her life as an orphan scrapping old ships for bread rations...

Don't get me started on Supreme Leader Snookie (as I call him). I have seen Scooby Doo villains with more menace than whatever that thing was supposed to be. That name alone ... I never thought I would hear a sith name more silly than Count Dooku, but Abrams topped it.