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walsufnir said:
AsGryffynn said:

I didn't say otherwise, just that it didn't look that way... I always thought the games were also on PC, even if they really weren't...

?? The games were on PC but as also nowadays, Sony doesn't see a direct competition in PC for consoles so they made TR a console exclusive and that is what I wrote.

Yeah, it's just that back then, we didn't really call them "console exclusives" and they were multiplat to us...

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

This game will easilyas lightly as possible, unless you have an agenda, which most of this site does.

Legs are a factor of momentum and replayability. That being said, without good momentum (this is not good momentum) the sales rate will stay low and decrease. Good word of mouth or the fact that paychecks will come in aren't significant enough in that regard. It's more than likely, that gamers will play games they already had or buy new ones, not older ones.

To build momentum/sales rate more awareness will need to be raised, it will need bundling and advertising. Without these, legs are worthless and it would be lucky to hit 500k US

Will I sound like a fanboy if I say I am noticing that XONE games are leggier than their seventh gen counterparts. Gears was released a while back, but it's still selling a lot. I feel that we'll no longer see huge opening games in our console. If anything, we're going to see the games sell out over the life cycle of the console...