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Funny thing here, spraying "Jesus" on a wall of a mosque isn't exactly vandalism as a Muslim must believe in Jesus and accept him as a prophet of God to be a Muslim. All they need to do is add the Abraham prophets to the wall and create an arty mural out of it.

ISIS are known as Khawarij in the Muslim world I.e. Non Muslims who are destructive, rebellious and bringers of chaos and Anarchy. The problem is, since 9/11 the western world has given the Khawarij more credibility than the Muslim communities so now you have people who:

1) consider what these Khawarij terrorists believe to be far more credible than your everyday Muslim

2) people fearing everyday Muslims and Islam because they have been miseducated

3) people having the same extreme views and interpretations as the terrorists about a group of people and their faith than those who actually follow and practice it.

Logically and technically it is a recipe for disaster as it only succeed in:

1) empowering far left groups
2) empowering far right groups
3) creating fear and division
4) miseducation

In other words, unless people have goodwill, listening and understanding skills, want to see a better tomorrow, care enough for one another and actually act upon all the above, there will only be further issues as people become more and more divided.