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How 2 b elit3 haxx0r:
1: Google search "how do I DDOS"
2: Find out you can pay a real hacker to DDOS.
3: Emerge from basement to ask parents for money to "go out". Your allowance is now $25 to match your age
4: Actually use money to pay real hacker; who lives in China and hacks from 6 modded PS2s taped together
5: Make Twitter account and name it by merging two edgy nouns together. Place Guy Fawkes mask somewhere in the picture
6. DDOS Club Penguin for a few minutes so you can get a bunch of 12 year olds to follow you. Since kids believe in Santa they'll revere you.
7. Continue to make edgy tweets with #VivaLaRevolution as if you serve a purpose
8. Succesfully pay the Asian guy to send a large amount of files to PSN. Kids overreact and swarm your Twitter. You take this as a sign that you are a God.
9. Make a bomb threat to a plane when an industry-man says you're stupid.
10. Get arrested by the FBI because the Constituion doesn't protect inbred pieces of dickcheese
11. Finally lose your virginity in prison

Any questions?

#1 Amb-ass-ador