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Nuvendil said:

I've cleared all three leagues, though I haven't gotten first in all cups.  Right now I have all gold in Subsonic; two silvers, a bronze, and a gold in Supersonic; and one gold, two bronzes, and a silver in Hypersonic.  I have also beaten 8 of the courses in Hero Mode (which I actually find easier than the straight Hypersonic league since the AI doesn't compensate two well with the shield mechanics).  It took me a bit to get used to the controls but I eventually settled on a set of vehicles I was comfortable with.


I will say that I absolutely loathe with extreme passion the course Sunahara Desert.  There has never been in any game any course or level I hate to the level I hate Sunahara Desert.  That course is the reason I don't have a gold in that one cup in Supersonic.


But one thing that blows me away in Hypersonic is the absolutely INSANE sense of speed.  It's just crazy.

I see what you mean with sunuhara, just tried it in subsonic titanium leage. 1st place, 2nd place, 10th place. Makes me hate the extreme zoom out on boost it keeps doing as well. I could have still pulled off the championship if I did not get stuck in a death loop on the last course. Comfortably in 1st place, then all of a sudden, dead, reset, dead, reset, dead, reset, dead, reset, last place, ugh.
Maybe I'll give motion control a try later, my hand is starting to cramp again already.