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I agree completely.

It's interesting in my opinion. I am against Black Lives Matter; but I am also against All Lives Matter.

Both "groups" in theory should be fine and logical. One group (BLM) pushing for Blacks to stop being discriminated against by media, the police, other races, ect.

Another group (ALM) pushing for every life to be cherished no matter what race they are.

However; both groups don't actually do/say what they SHOULD be doing/saying for the most part.

BLM tends to attack whites and overall hold a huge grudge because of the obvious factor of slavery. They want to be not only held equal to whites but push for more discrimination/segregation away from whites in order to be superior. While on the other end ALM wants to take away from BLM is saying completely and thinks that everybody is already equal in this day and age as of TODAY. ALM belives that racism basically does not exist and tend to 100% support cops/police force no matter what the situation is with their reasoning of "you shouldn't have broken the law"

IN REALITY: Both groups are idiotic. There is never a thing as 100% good/evil. Not cops are not racist. All Americans are all are bigots. Not all whites hate blacks vic versa.

The problem is you have to dissect each situation individually in order to see actual progress when it comes to racism and stereotypes. The fact of the matter is; if a white person sees a black man in a hoodie at 11 pm at night; he/she will MOST LIKELY think/act very differently of that person compared to if the hooded man was white.

And on the other side of the plate if blacks see white people playing sports like basketball or dancing at an event they will think they are inferior to the blacks at that same activity.

Basically; TLDR; stereotypes are bad. They are supported by many generations of hate toward other races. They will eventually die out; although it will take a while.

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