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Hello, people. The last Smash Bros U/3DS announcement is upon us, and after that, we'll probably have to wait to Smash NX for more Smash goodnes. So let's play a bingo and see how many things we can predict now.

King K. Rool newcomer. Wolf won't appear again. More single-player modes. Smash Bros. Ultimate edition announced, with all the DLC included. No 3DS equivalent.
Ballot results fully revealed. We'll have a Geno's Forest Maze map, but not Geno itself. No story mode :( At least one indie rep newcomer.
At least three ballot newcomers. They'll tease some new game non-Smash related. New Smash amiibos unveiled. No major leaks prior to the conference.
Snake won't appear again. Mii Costumes once again. Sakurai says/does something that goes memetic. The eShop crashes again :(

Please participate, the more, the merrier.

Bolded the ones that came true. Who would have expected Kamui from Fates? :P

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.