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o_O.Q said:
Soundwave said:


Not having to push a ten pound baby from in between their legs is a pretty fair advantage I'd say. Men dominate positions of power most of the time too, we run the political, economic, and media by and large in every country in the world. Men run the world. 

Yes women get a few perks here and there, but nothing that I as a man would want to trade my position for theirs. Even being an attractive woman ... that all goes to shit once your looks go or someone prettier than you steps into the room. 

But as a man ... as long as you don't sit around whining all day and build a successful life, you can be 50/60/70 and still be the belle of the ball. 

Look at movies even, actors like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt and many others are still allowed to be successful leading men into their 50s+ ... but most actresses are dumped to the side of the road after 40 (really more like 35). 


women are not forced to have children that is a choice that is up to them to make 


" Men dominate positions of power " "Men run the world"

how is that an advantage for you an average man who i assume holds no position of power?

does the fact that men have positions of power mean that you get more tax breaks?

are you given special incentives?

no actually the vast majority of concessions go the way of women... this is why for example they currently are dominating in education 


"But as a man ... as long as you don't sit around whining all day and build a successful life, you can be 50/60/70"


you aren't explaining how this differs for women who as far as i know can apply themselves and become successful just like any man can and do so routinely


"Look at movies even"


not a good example since movies and who becomes successful in movies is all about public perception and regardless there are examples like meryl streep

It's easier for you as a man to get into institutions of power provided you're willing to do work. Politics, economy, media are primarily controlled by men, if you want to break into those areas, no one bats an eyelash, but as a woman you likely will get tested more or have more assumptions thrown at you (ie: you're weak, not tough enough, men won't respect your authority, etc.). 

Men aren't "forced" to do anything, most of the things men complain about, they're not "forced" into, so complaining that a good looking girl gets into a nightclub before you do for example ... no one's exactly holding a gun to your head to go to the club. And there is considerable societal pressure on women to have children, in fact its drilled into them over and over again by family and society that they have a "ticking clock". Guys can goof around in their 20s and well into their 30s and it's just "oh guys being guys" ... but there's much more pressure on a woman to get her "shit together" relationship wise earlier IMO. 

I don't as a man have to worry about my body dramatically changing after we have kids either. No thanks ladies ... I'll keep my dick, you can keep your token "advantages" like being maybe one of the 5-10% of good looking women that get some benefit like being able to get out of the odd speeding ticket. 

There's no short cut in life, no one really gets anything for free, if you're going to sit around and whine that you can't make it life because X/Y/Z is holding you back you're never going to get anywhere, I don't care if you're a woman, man, white, black, asian, brown, whatever.