Wii U
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (Day 1)
Zelda U (Day 1)
Twilight Princess HD (Day 1)
Pokken Tournament (Day 1)
Star Fox Zero (Most likely day 1)
Devil's Third (Eventually)
Minecraft Wii U edition (when the physical version is released) same with Story Mode.
*Already got Fast Racing Neo and LOVE IT
(Non Physical releases) Yooka-Laylee, Little Devil Inside (might be getting a physical release) Cross Revere (also might be getting a physical release) 90's Arcade Racer, Project Treasure
Fire Emblem Fates (Day 1)
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final (Day 1, assuming it's being localized. But it's Atlus, so it has a 99% it will)
Bravely Second: End Layer (Day 1)
Final Fantasy Explorers (Day 1)
Monster Hunter X (Day 1, if it gets localized)
Monster Hunter Stories (Day 1, if it gets localized)
Dragon Quest 7 (Day 1)
Dragon Quest 8 (Day 1)
Langrisser Re:Incarnation (Eventually)
Metroid Prime: Federation Force (Not sure if this will be day 1 or not, but I WILL be getting it)
As you can tell, I like getting my games day one unless they are in a situation like Devil's Third or I do not have the money, but I pretty much always do have the money.
Also, I am planning to get a PS4 next year but I'm not certain on if it will happen yet... so I will not be adding in that list.
[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]
[Xbox Live: JissuWolfe]
[PSN: Jissu]