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binary solo said:
So, let's say the worst thing happens, from the Amazon chart followers perpective, and Amazon ends up being wrong about the NPD result. Although Amazon has been technically wrong twice this generation, both times it was clear before NPD came out that Amazon would probably be wrong: Oct had Halo 5 pre-orders to take into account. April had 2 Xb one skus very close to the PS4 sku, clearly indicating a likely Xb one win. This time round there is nothing on the Amazon charts that would sugest a Xb one win, and given pre-orders favour PS4 for November a Xb one win would be an even bigger disaster for Amazonians than being wrong in a month where hardware pre-orders are not a factor.

Can we continue to realistically sustain an Amazon thread in the face of such a result? Should this thread be more holistic and keep tabs on all online best seller charts through the month as a means for predicting the outcome of NPD?

Or am I being a pessimist and NPD will once again show Amazon is still the most reliable indicator of the NPD hardware winner?

Abandon the Amazon thread?

But what will GribbleGrunger do with himself if that happens?