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Sony really profited from the mistakes of their competitors. Don Mattrick simply killed every momentum the Xbox had at the time completely. Microsoft now has to slowly gain back trust from gamers, a process that can easily take a decade or more. Nintendo came with a way to gadgy console that was and is also too expensive. It simply doesn't compete so much with PS4 and X1 as it does with PS3 and Xbox 360. Those consoles are considerably cheaper than the Wii U while also having one behemoth of a library of which most games are available dirt cheap by now.

Sony simply didn't make major mistakes this time. In fact, their competitors messed up so badly that they could implement a paywall for online multiplayer and nobody was even giving a shit about it anymore. Combine that with the most powerful hardware and you have yourself a winner.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.