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fatslob-:O said:
LMU Uncle Alfred said:

Yes, and this opens the possibility that  we might have to buy the extra content packaged in, in order to  play all the main story.  It wasn't said to be DLC after all.  I was about to go to sleep feeling great...ugh.

What DLC ? They have yet to announce that ... 

I think it's like this, the game is released in parts but they all have extra content added to them ...

It would have been better if they said DLC would be available as extra story if we chose to buy it.  Also I just realized, considering the size of this game, there's no way that many people will be waiting arond for each part to download via digital.  It would take far too long.  In that case, jeez are they actually considering FF7-2?


Aside of that, we really can't trust Nomura when it comes to story.  He's yet to prove himself as a story writer without Sakaguchi grounding him.  We'd get crap like AC or Dirge of Cerberus with Nomura having free reign.  Crisis Core was ok, but that was mostly Tabata.  Genesis was a very unnecessary character and that was all Nomura.

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