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Yeah I'm not sure what people are asking for here... I've been gaming for a long while and I generally see Pachter articles as sensational headlines meaning to draw attention to his podcast or whatever. When we say he reports "obvious things regarding Nintendo", we clearly mean that he's willing to point out stuff like the NX won't be successful unless Nintendo can gain 3rd party support (That's a pretty obvious statement right there).

Now seeing as how we know next to nothing about the NX platform, it's pretty premature to gauge anything at this point of potential successes or not. But let's not be stupid here, unless Nintendo agrees to pay 3rd parties for remotely similar game support on the NX, the chances of Nintendo getting 1:1 parity is going to be a slow long road back. Sony and Microsoft have lined these companies pockets for years to get a leg up on each other and Nintendo isn't about to start playing that game. Plus I would rather Nintendo put millions of dollars into exclusive new games for the NX rather than getting 6 months dlc or whatever.