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So rumors pop up about suppliers gearing up for the NX and people can't wait to pick it apart based on what, the expected shipment amount? It's not like Nintendo has released any concrete info on the system or that this is the expected sell through amount from them. People just see it as a number higher than something Sony threw out years ago for PS4 and suddenly everything is impossible or doubtful.

Do I expect the system to sell that much in its first holiday based off of no information, no. But I'm not so stupid to believe that because a company has had down times that they can't bounce back ever. Business isn't ran on fanboy fumes and it's pretty crazy to see people saying stuff like Nintendo can never get any market share back. But some of these same people whole heartedly believe that Sony will draw in the casual market with PSVR, even though there are no facts to back that up or that interest is even on that level.