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I'm not a hater, but I don't like a lot the prequel.

There is this scene in Empire Strikes back, Luke come, the doors shut with a disturbing sound, the scene is suddenly enlightened in orange, and finally Darth Vader appears surrounded with blue smoke, in the foreground we can still see the orange light, he's so massive and impressive, you feel how much work there was on the atmosphere, timing, etc.. Even the speed of the light saber opening are different, fast and nervous for Luke, slow and powerful for Darth Vader, there so much tension. And then the fight start, and perhaps that is because there is this kind of ghostly atmosphere, perhaps because they appears like shadow play, perhaps because each throw is short and powerful, perhaps because Darth Vader just has an incredible design and voice, but I really feel I'm seeing a deadly jedi fight. That's really a scene I love a lot. I've never felt anything like that in the prequel, in fact I can feel how much there are in the safe environment of a studio surrounded with blue screens, stuntmen and everything added afterward by computers. I don't really care that they can show 30 minutes of acrobatic and technically perfect FX, 100 time better on any technical perspective, there is not this attention to significant details, this atmosphere, this wonderful design, in a story and with characters you care about.

But you can tell me, in the last light saber duel, episode 3, can you remember anything you felt was great in the scene ? You close your eyes, imagine the scene, do you feel any specific and fascinating atmosphere ? Myself, I can't, even if it was quite a good show.

I'm talking about this scene in episode 5, btw.