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I have severe Depression and Anxiety, have suffered to one degree or another since I was a child, I'm 31 now.
This year I finally recognized what was going on with me, so I came to terms with it and went to talk to my Doctor about it and have been referred to proper therapists.
There seems to be a very long waiting list though, so it's been a few months since I talked to anyone professional about it.

I think if you're lucky enough to live in a country with a funded welfare system (like me, I'm from the UK, so we have the National Health Service) then talk to a therapy provider and get on the system ASAP, even if you're not sure if you have anything that's a big issue.
Try to do something about it ASAP, as even talking it out with a friend or family member you can trust helps a lot.

I'm pretty grateful that the stigma around mental health seems to be reducing a bit, after seeing my own mother go through similar things to me and many just trying to act like it wasn't really anything that was up with her. :)

Many people almost get off acting like you're not going through anything, you can just get on with your life and it will resolve itself or everyone that feels sad or a little wound up are all in the same boat, but there's a major difference between someone who can just bounce back after a few days and get on with their life after a major life event has effected them and another person who feels the pain of that for years.

People suffering in silence should know they're not alone, be it Depression, Anxiety, Bi-Polar or any kind of mental health issues that effect your life to some degree, be it big or small.
Great thread, cheers for making it PS3-Sales!. :D