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Gran Turismo 2 - I loved cars as a kid, so getting this game exposed me to another side of the car world and cemented my love for cars in a personal level.

Uncharted 2 - Non-stop action and memorable moments, this game was just something else. The graphics and the details were mindblowing (and they still are), the dialogue was well done, the story felt seamless with its proper ups and downs in pace and the locales were well chosen. After 6 years, the original game still holds up by itself.

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando - Before this, I haven't heard about this duo nor did have much experience with platformers except with a broken Crash Bandicoot Warped copy. The wittiness, the level design, the weapons, the graphics... it was love at first sight, and I loved the whole series ever since.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - One of the first games I've played as a kid and one of the few that made a change in my life. It's a timeless game that shows creativity has no limits.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Playing this game back then was something special. The soundtrack is arguably the best one in the series, coupled with the vivid color palette, good story and missions, freedom compared to its predecessor, it had this magic that I doubt any other game will replicate.