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You know what? there is nothing I say that will change your mind and I respect that, I 'll just throw in a fact for good measure the majority of the market is a pc user (something along the lines of 90%) and obviosly the guys who have traversed to the world of mac are now of the opinions that macs are better (it would be stupid of them to think otherwise and still change). A PC user that is fine with his/her computer will tell you PCs are better if not for other reason that its those they know how to use.

So for that 90% that is yet to "go mac" PC is the better choice, and dont tell me that its because they don't know better, because macs are pretty widely known now and people can make a decision. Price is also a factor, until they stop selling overpriced PoS computers, I'm not buying.

I think the ratio is more like 98% pc vs 2% mac in less developed countries like mine... can you spell overpriced?