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The NFC lineup amiibo has been a fantastic success for Ninteno, and with the possibilities of 3rd party characters figurines, there's even more people interested in this things.

So far there are released and confirmed (or almost confirmed) a decent number of amiibos of characters not owned by Nintendo:

-Sonic the Hedgehog from the Smash lineup (Sega)

-Megaman from the Smash lineup (Capcom)

-Pacman from the Smash lineup (Namco-Bandai)

-Ryu from the Smash lineup (Capcom)

-Cloud Strife from the Smash lineup (Square Enix) Unconfirmed for now, but come on, there will be a Cloud amiibo.

-Shovel Knight (YatchClub Games)

-Golden Megaman (Capcom)

Nintendo is interested in continuing the amiibo sales, and if the royalties produced are important, so are 3rd parties. With the NX glooming in the horizon, do you think these 3rd parties will keep amiibo support if they support the new system? Or even support for future WiiU/3DS games? Or will these companies see this as a fad and ignore it in the future? How many more companies will want a ammibo figurine of their characters?

Per example, if NamcoBandai makes a new Tales games for the NX, will it have support for Pacman amiibo? Or the FFVII remake will have amiibo support for the Cloud figurine?

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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