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1) It's too expensive. For the price of a quarter I could get a used videogame which is going to give me a lot more entertainment... and be more entertaining.  In highschool i believe my friends would spend about $25 a quarter on the cheap stuff.  Can't see that price having gone down.

2) I always found it boring honestly. Nearly all my friends would smoke pot. Then all we'd do is sit around. It was boring. It was still boring when you were high... just less so. I just stopped hanging up with them, as i had more time playing Civilzation or hanging out with someone else.

3) Pretty much any night on the town seemed to be ruined if there wasn't pot available, when it came to a couple of my friends opinions anyway. Sucked.

4) I really am naturally a very relaxed and happy person anyway. All smoking pot made me feel like was how I feel when i haven't slept in a day in a half. Everything is just a little funnier... really not worth it for me.