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You are arguing that the WiiU is a complete sales failure after the fact though and 30-40 million consoles would still have been considered a major sales failure in the face of the Wii. Most consider the 3ds a major flop even though it will probably go on to sell 70 million systems. So I think that most people knew the WiiU wasn't going to be as successful as the Wii was, but you seem to think that Nintendo can't change things at all before the NX comes out...

I guess what I'm saying is we understand your stance and your feelings for the company, so why do you seem so persistent to parade your point of view around even though you think the company has no value in the gaming industry.  I just don't understand gamers like you, "just play what you like" I play the games that I like and focus my energies towards that company who produces those games whether be it negative or positive. Clearly you don't like Nintendo so why does it bother you so what their fans expect of the company? There are fanatical fans on all fronts of the console scene, but they don't speak for the whole fanbase though and it's pretty naive to such. The community here, on YouTube or on N4G doesn't represent every Nintendo fan on the planet.