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spemanig said:

I know it's off topic, but I just needed a place to gush over how fucking amazing this soundtrack has been. I've only been listening to songs shown in trailers to not spoil hearing the newer songs for the first time, but I forgot just how fucking awesome it is that Sawano is the composer for this game.

If it has anywhere near the impeccable sound direction that shows featuring his music like Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill have, where Sawano literally made those shows the juggernauts they became, this game is going to be absolutely legendary. Like I seriously cannot gush enough how absolutely genius this guy is.

Remember the first two trailers? You probably don't very well, because I forgot. If you're feeling iffy on the soundtrack because you don't like that their are voices, go back and watch those two. If the whole game is crafted to sound that amazing, I genuinely thing this will tie with one of the greatest soundtracks I have ever heard in a video game, easily out doing the original. OSTs like this are rare in games.

I know they are already making the next game. They're even talking about allowing the player to travel through space, increasing the scale even more, as well as going back to a major focus on story like the original. That all sounds great, but I just pray beyond all prayers that Sawano becomes a more permanent member of Monolith Soft's sound team, because video games need more soundtracks like this. Vocals add something that pure instramentation can never bring, and I can't even begin to imagine how awesome that would be in an OG Xenoblade-tier plot with XCX-tier cutscenes. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. All I can think about going into this game is how fucking epic these cutscenes and boss battles are going to be because of Sawano.

I'm pretty sure you are not "spoiling" yourself of the game, but since it's music related I am not sure if you count it. If you don't, you should definitely take a listen to Primordia's day and night theme. It'll give you a short, but amazing taste of what Sawano has to offer in this game. 

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