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mZuzek said:
S.Peelman said:

Underground 2 then, since one couldn't get any closer to my earlier guess

Oh god, yes. Finally. If no one would have guessed it by now I would have just given up on it, which would have been sad because, well. It would of.

It's been kinda hard for me to consistently log in here everyday and will probably remain that way for the next week or so (which is also why I haven't took my time trying to guess everyone else's games, and I do feel bad about it), so I'm giving out hints for my next 3 games.

#47 - The second game in a very successful 5th gen trilogy that belongs to a genre that has pretty much died since the 6th generation.
#46 - This is the debut game from a franchise starring the edgiest character ever.
#45 - Um... it's a racing sim from the Xbox 360. (sorry, I really couldn't think of anything better)

#45 - Is it Project Gotham Racing 3?