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Teeqoz said:
Qwark said:

Without the extreme right rising in Western Europe thousands of Western Muslims already joined IS. Extreme right can become a very powerful faction in Europe and one who doesn't concern more about geopolitics than the safety of there people. Don't be astounded if Extreme right factions become far more popular politic wise. This results in the given IS will be fought much harder on their grounds. But it will be a hard time for Muslims in the Western world.

What do you mean "without the extreme right wing rising"? The extreme right wing has been rising in the west for at least the past decade, probably more.

I have no doubt that extreme right will grow over the next few years, but I don't think that's a good thing, neither for westerners nor for muslims. I think it'll lead to more conflict, and yes, I think it'll even lead to more terrorism.

I think a more right aproach in politics due to the higher involvement, will lead to a stronger Europe. Let's not forget how Al Queda was brought down. It wasn't by tolerance and mutual respect, it was made possible by brave man who eridicated the source, killing the leaders one by one.


If a country/culture wants to be free it needs to be strong enough to defend that freedom and stand by their own morals and laws. Saying people should limit their freedom of speach to not insult like in Denmark is exactly what makes Europe lacking compared to the US. The uncertain social institute full of half comprimises that pleases nobody is what Europe has become it isn't strong or unified. It is weak and shattered. It's why thousands of Western muslims leave to IS And many immigrants want to go to Germany, England, Sweden and France. Every "refugee" wants to be safe but only in a very rich country.


What Europe needs is a strong preferably right coalition which wants to handle the problem at the source. Which is out there, not within our cities or in refugeecamps. Firstly they need to move the refugeecamps to the Middle East and invest in those camps. After that they need to show some balls and destroy IS, be the Middle party between US and Russia with the intention to make Syria and Iraq safe and destroy IS. Which is what our right front is taking about for quite a while, yet lack the votes to make it happen.  


Which is why the right party needs to rise, but the right party needs an issue to rise this is one. In a matter of speach it is the same reason why people like Donald Trump are popular. People are sick of the tolerance forced upon them, especially when their freedom, way of live and safety is in danger.


A more right and strong Europe is in my eyes te sollution because no matter what and how many we will give our muslims, houses, jobs, education, healthcare. Terrorism by foreign parties will live on, because their will always be those who hate us. But on such a scenario I would rather have a strong and an acting government which solves problems than one who thinks toleration and mutual respect is Key to erase terror.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar