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Its the PS2 all over again.People need something to put the blame on, they are just afraid.

I mean sure, this could be done.People could use online games as a means of communication, due to the fact that its not its primary function, and so it wouldnt atract attention and such, butthis is also true for any communication device, or any tecnology actually.So if cellphones are used for terrorism, should we all stop suing it?Or all our calls and messages be monitored?Youtube videos could also be used for communication.A Youtuber could also have prepared special messages in his videos to signal terrorists.For example, everytime he says "COD" he could actually be signaling that a cache of weapons at a X location is ready to be shipped.Anything could be used as a means of communication, you just need to be creative.If we go like this, thinking that any tecnology or a new tecnological device can be used for evil, which it actually can, we would be paranoic and would drive us crazy eventually.

All in all, I find this article pretty tasteless.He just throws blame around, without any solid proof, other than that a PS4 was found in the house.As if the terrorist couldnt have used the PS4 other than planning evil things 24 hours a day.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.