zero129 said:
Should of known it wouldnt take you long to come in here with the same strawman tactics again.. As you can see The OS and Monitor and Controllers have all been discussed. Plus why would it be stuck to playing games at 50FPS?? And why is it in every PC thread your only defence is always "No OS, No monitor, No Joypad, Batman runs worse, etc etc. just look at his post history and you can clearly see how much he repeats them lines in every post. |
((First of all, it's "should have ", not "should of". Huge pet peeve of mine.))
OS and monitors weren't discussed, they were dismissed with half-assed answers. TVs CAN run PCs, but no one wants to have to do that. You need a kb/m to run the OS, period. Controller is optional at a desk, but necessary for couch play from a TV.
And that last comment could easily be misconstrued as a personal attack, so I'd watch your wording more carefully.
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