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I was looking at GameXplain's channel and decided to look at the voice actor video for XCX, because in another video I noticed Fiora's voice. I was hoping to confirm this as well as possibly Shulk's voice as well. When I started, I noticed that Cristiana Valenzuela was going to be a voice actor! I didn't I thought I misread it and but when it came time to hear her voice I couldn't beleive it. For those who don't know. She is the voice actress for Shantae. 



I was going to go on jokingly about how this hinted at her being in smash (it does though) but as I began typing and I left the video running to hear the other voice actors and the first male one stopped me in my tracks. That voice actor was undeniably SImon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. For those who don't know TTGL is one of the best mech anime of all time! This was a main reason I love mechs and a huge reason I was looking foward to XCX.

Nintendo has clearly wanted this game to be one of the best games of all time. The voices of Shulk, Shantae, Fiora, and Simon are in one freaking game with mechs 200-300 hours of content and a huge seamless world. There are some other voices I recognize and I will go back to listen to figure them out, it all came to white noise when I heard these four unfortunately. This will defintely be one of my favorite games of all time. Now my only worries about the game is who to chose:

Simon and call the mech Gurren Lagann

Shantae and call the mech Gendarmor

Fiora and call the mech 7 or Face Ally

Shulk and name the mech ... Miraonis? Bionis? Monado?... I will need to figure this one out

I usually try to temper my hype, and I know that this is a simplistic and aesthetic value, but this way too hype!