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Wyrdness said:
VitroBahllee said:
Oh, and Wyrdness - their stock is down EVEN MORE over the last few days. It didn't 'fluctuate up and down.' You're so foolish if you think you can tell me 'You don't understand how the stock market works: everybody sold their stock when it was low so they could buy it back again before the game comes out and it goes up again.' You can 'blah blah I work the markets' all you want, but YOU stated that you thought that was how it worked. Any child knows that is not how it works. They would not sell low so they could buy the same stock high. That's basics.

Fluctuations can happen over days and weeks kid, the price is low because people sold when the delay was announced go back and read the earlier posts as you can't seem to remember what was told to you. The delay would reduce price as the speculated release was pushed to next year resulting in some investors selling before the market moves to correct itself (the stock was overweight essentially as the move into mobile was delayed), in other words they sold before any significant price drop, this way next year as the mobile release draws closer they plan to repurchase those stocks, by the time the news had hit the forums believe me they had already sold beforehand which triggered the movement.

That's what was explained to you earlier but your lack of understanding of the markets means you couldn't even read what was told to you in context of the market, that's a fault of mine as I forgot I was explaining it to someone who has no understanding of investor mentality and market movements, keep coming back to get schooled.

Even the stock will start climbing back up with in weeks because we're entering the holiday season where Nintendo does best, the news you're reporting is old to those involved in the markets because everything turns and changes by the day.

So they are STILL selling the stock at a low (because it is going down even from last week) and they plan to repurchase it in the future, when they expect it to go up again?

Seriously: if they thought it was going to go up in the future, people would be BUYING at this low point right now and holding. You can type all you want, but you are not making any sense.