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I was the guy choosing 6 in that poll.

A little over halfway through now, counting only first playthroughs of the stages which are needed to progress. The game's not fun enough for me to complete all those stages four times to complete those bonus challenges, I know already I'm not going to care, so when I get to the end, the game probably won't get too much playtime anymore.

Still, the game is good enough to complete at least once and doesn't have any glaring problems when discounting my personal opinion of the gameplay concept mismatch with the Zelda series. It's challenging enough actually, but sometimes feels unbalanced or tedious, especially in single-player. So taken as any random game, it's okay, even if I highly likely wouldn't have bought it were it not connected to the Zelda franchise. Taken as a Zelda game though, I agree it wouldn't get a passing grade.