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Why are all of the Playstation 3 games so depressing? Nothing but killing, and shooting. Sure, a few violent games are allowed, but when every single, fucking game, is dark, and depressing, there's a problem. The original Playstation had the perfect mix, the Playstation 2 had darker games, and now the Playstation 3 has the darkest of them all. What kind of crap is this? Sony messed up big time. It's almost as if they filtered all of the good games, and left all of the crap behind. Sure, some dark games are fun, but the truth is, most dark games are crap, and when the Playstation 3's game list is nothing but dark, depressing games, you're going to get a lot of crap. Damn it, where's Crash Bandicoot when you need him? Oh, wait, he's not even coming to the Playstation 3. He mutated, and went on other platforms, including the old, Playstation 2. Screw him, he got bad after Crash Bash anyways.

The Xbox 360's game library is just like the Playstation 3's, and even the Wii's game library has darkened. Not to say that all dark games are bad, but majority of them are plain awful, and get shitty reviews. What happened to all the platform games? Those games are usually the biggest games, and there's barely any of them. Well, at least there's barely any good ones. There's Mario Galaxy, Banjo 3, and Ratchet 6. Basically, one for each system. I'm getting tired of the stupid shooting games. All we need is Halo, so screw the rest. We don't need sports games, we play sports outside, like normal human-beings. We don't need those movie games. We don't need those Tetris clones. We don't need any more racing games, or fighting games. Instead of having thousands of games, on each console, why not make 50 good games? Who's going to buy more than 50 games for one console anyways? 95% of games on each console are shit. Why can't people take their time in making games? Why are people making movie-games, when they know ahead of time, that it will be shit? What's the point? Why are there no other mascots, competing with Mario Galaxy? I can visualise better platformers than any Mario game, it's just that nobody has created any yet. Developers need to stop jacking off, and start making good games. I'm tired of all this shit.