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potato_hamster said:

So Big Boss isn't highlighted as a central part to MGS5 in the trailers? Ohh right, he is. He is the main character after all. He is just as central, if not more central to the game as Miis are to Tomodatchi Life,so please spare me on how its a bad analogy. Prove that the physical appearance of big Boss in MGS5 is not the primary reason that MGS outsold MGS4. That's essentially what you're asking me to prove. But you can't prove a negative., can you? You don't like it because it shows how wrong you are and your elitist attitude of "you can't grasp marketing approaches" is furthering the point that you really don't have a leg to stand on.

Again, your assertion requires you to prove that Miis are more appealing or more interesting to their audience than any other similar, generic avatar. Good luck with that.

Fire Emblem: Awakening could have sold beffer because of dozens of different reasons (like being bundled with a custom 3DS, or it being the highest rated fire emblem game ever). narrowing it down to "the approach" (whatever that means) as the primary reason without any evidence to support that is impossible. For example, prove that Fire Emblem: Awakening being bundled with a custom 3DS, or the fact that it is the highest rated fire emblem game ever was less of a factor in its sales success than "the approach". Seriously. Prove it.

It is a bad analogy because the are many flaws in that argument from the type of marketing approach to how the adverts are conducted to even the context, MGS is marketed as a cinematic experience much in the same way all the preious games have with trailers showing select bits of action and sometimes cryptic messages, TL on the other hand are are informal adds with people saying how they are creating Miis for fun. The two approaches are so different it makes your attempt at an argument here comical, a negative can proven that comment alone highlights your constant sidestepping, a poor argument like what you're pushing with all these flawed logics and broken analogies is what can't be proven.

That's easy for me I can just highlight sales of their games to show their style and approach connects better with consumers.

Desperation at it's finest, Awakening sold and was recieved better because of the new approach, the's plenty of evidence to support it like how all the other games are good and recieved well critically and their critical average is not even that far from Awakening either with the GBA game hitting around 90% average, TSS and POR hovering in the high 80s and such, quality was never an issue for the series. Custom 3DS' are limited edition and numerous games have those, what changed in Awakening was the approach and what further proves my point is how Fates has sold just as well in Japan following up on the same approach no bundle there either. The previous titles had the same approach and sold poorly while the two new games utilized a new approach and have so far had consistently good sales, evidence is there even if you try hard to not see it.